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which distro?


I am going to install linux and emacspeak (maybe speakup as well) on a system for demonstration purposes and for a few other people to manage.  None of the group are really familiar with Linux.  The demos will mainly be for web browsing and accessibility of OS for blind and vi people with tasks like email, listening to audio, programming etc. 

Can anyone give their views on which distro will work with best performance and less hastles with emacspeak and the related tts?  My current list of choices are:
	debian 3.0 woody
	red hat 8.0
have access to a dectalk express, but this is not mine to keep.  So... I am looking at trying via voice or festival for my own system.  i noticed an email on this list mentioning that festival (not flight as such) is on sourceforge.  but i looked and there are no files released as yet.  what is the status of this?

I believe all the hardware that we have is pretty standard.  I would like to use stable versions if i can, but would like to know if there are any issues that require debian unstable or some such.  i have a toshiba laptop i would like to try as well.  If anyone requires more info on the hardware in order to provide the right advice, please email me off list.


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