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Re: which distro?

It appears from earlier contributions on the list that the issue with
Debian and the software DECTALK was resolved by upgrading the system
library from the Unstable distribution.

I don't think the choice of distribution makes much difference at all
in relation to Emacspeak; it is largely a matter of individual
preference. Debian tends to include more of the Emacs-related
packages; it can be upgraded while running (no need to reboot to an
installation disk or CD) and the packaging system is excellent - for all
of which reasons it is my distribution of choice, but there are others
who prefer different distributions on perfectly legitimate grounds. I
think ViaVoice had problems with certain versions of system libraries
as well (Debian 3.0 and Red Hat 8.0 if I recall correctly), and as someone
else remarked, it is no longer being released for Linux, at least so
far as is known. Some of the issues with responsiveness of software
synthesizers have been traced to sound card and IRQ settings rather
than issues specific to the operating system or any distribution

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