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Re: Need help learning View Mail
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On 14/03/03 at 20:09 Hugh Esco wrote:
>With help from folks on this list, I finally got emacspeak up and running
>on a used machine I built for my friend Adam. He has worked his way
>through the tutorial and is now ready for the next step.
>I'm want to next teach him how to use w3 for browsing and vm for email. I
>have both installed on his machine and have been able to use them myself,
>somewhat successfully -- but only because I get to use my eyes to see
>the cursor is. I'm having trouble figuring out how to reliably change
>buffers in vm and navigate from the inbox summary to the body of a message
>and back again. I've been completely lost on how to teach Adam how to do
>The documentation I have found on vm is sketchy at best. Can someone out
>there on this list please refer me to a definitive guide on vm -- or at
>least something that devotes more than two pages to its use?
>Is there anyone who uses vm who would be willing to share their phone
>number and to let me give you a call from Adam's one day for some coaching
>on how to use his email client.
>As soon as Adam is up and reading his own email and browsing the web I'm
>sure there will be no stopping him. But learning to get on line and to
>pull and read email has proven quite a stumbling block, mainly due to the
>lack of documentation. My next tutoring session with him is tomorrow
>afternoon or evening.
>Please help.
>-- Hugh Esco
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