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Multiple errors while compiling emacspeak 17.0


While compiling Emacspeak-17.0 from source .tar.gz file I obtain a lot of
errors and don't know how to fix these. 
I compile doing that as explaned in the Makefile :
$ make config SRC=$PWD
$ make emacspeak
If I understand this last command compiles emacspeak .el file in order to
obtain .elc files. so for a lot of these .el files I can see errors saying
something like this :
while compiling the file xxx.el,
** the following functions are not known to be defined...
and the message is continued with a list of emacspeak functions 

What do you think about these errors ? are they important ones ? and how to
proceed to fix  these errors ? Perhaps I may install other packages that
are missing ? 
to be more precise the problem appears on a Debian Woody and I've already
installed the following packages :
emacs21, emacs21-el, tcl8.3, tclx8.3

Can you help me please ? 

Thanx in advance.


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