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Re: dectalk giving invalid command parameter

I finally did the trace and I discovered that my hardware Dectalk
doesn't like the following sequence:

[:i r 1 _.][:to 250 75][_.]

When I took out the _. where it first appears in the function t of
dtk-exp, my synth was happy, but I am wondering what is going on?

on Thu, 28 Nov 2002 20:17:06 -0500 John covici <covici@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Thanks, I was thinking of doing something like that as the only way
> to get what was actually sent. I'll try this and let everyone know
> what happened.
> on Thursday 11/28/2002 James R. Van Zandt(jrv@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote
>  > 
>  > John -
>  > 
>  > I think you should try strace, which will run a program and generate a
>  > trace of every system call.  It's a very powerful debugging tool.
>  > 
>  > I suggest you run emacspeak under strace, to get a record of exactly
>  > what gets written to the device.  Something like this:
>  > 
>  >   strace -o log -ff -F -s 120 emacspeak  
>  > 
>  > Run it just long enough to generate the error message.  You'll get
>  > several files (some pretty large) named log.XXX where XXX is a process
>  > number.  One of them will be for tcl, which reads from emacs and
>  > writes to the DECtalk.  Grep for the error message with something like
>  > this:
>  > 
>  >        grep -n invalid log.*
>  > 
>  > Then visit that file, and look at the preceding few lines to find what
>  > was written to the device.
>  > 
>  > 	    - Jim Van Zandt

         John Covici

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