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Re: process speaker not running

On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 01:24, Kalyan K. Mukherjea wrote:
> I am slightly confused about the issue of
> quality of the  flite voice:
> Alvin thinks it is difficult to comprehend what is being said. Once the 
> rate is adjusted (C-e d r 150) the number can be anything near that 
> figure), I found the rendition quite good. My version of flite 
> (flite-1.2-release.tar.gz) had a 16k voice rather than the 8K that Tim 
> Cross writes about.
I am getting used to the flite voice.  

> I agree that Festival voices are better butinstalling  Festival is a royal 
> pain.

I have had no problem installing Festival, but I have not yet interfaced
it with emacspeak.  
Alvin Smith <email@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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