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emacs +festival at debian

The festvox packages contain the voices which festival uses. You need
to install at least 1. Go for the 16k versions as they are better

Being new is no crime - however, failing to attempt to work some of it
out yourself might be. Read the festival documentation is you plan to
use it - its important you have a least a basic understanding of how
all the parts fit together.

>>>>> "fredm" == fredm  <fredm@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 fredm> Hi, I just installed festival. I run emacs and try the emacs
 fredm> command run-festival. But that is my output:

 fredm> --------- No default voice found in
 fredm> ("/usr/lib/festival/voices/") either no voices unpacked or
 fredm> voice-path is wrong SIOD ERROR: closing a file left open:
 fredm> /usr/lib/festival/init.scm festival: fatal error exiting.

 fredm> Process festival exited abnormally with code 1 ---------

 fredm> Should I install one of that: festvox-rablpc16k,
 fredm> festvox-rablpc8k, festvox-kallpc16k, festvox-kallpc8k,
 fredm> festvox-kdlpc16k, festvox-kdlpc8k ???  What´s the diference
 fredm> between festival and festvox?  What should I do? I´m new in
 fredm> that list.

 fredm>             Fred

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