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speech servers question
Changing it does mean work ---however if there is a good reason to
justify the work
I might do it at some point.
It's likely to have a large impact because you'd have to go around
changing lots of conf files in the various packaged distribs, personal
custom files etc.
>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Bart> Raman,
Bart> That was what I was asking. IF it is historical would you
Bart> consider changing it so the servers are launched directly
Bart> thus allowing easy switching between tcl and non tcl speech
Bart> servers?
Bart> Bart
Bart> T. V. Raman writes:
>> if you're asking why the speech servers are launched as
>> <interp> script e.g. tcl dtk-exp --as opposed to just making
>> dtk-exp executable, I think it's mostly historical at this
>> point.
>> --Raman >>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> writes:
Bart> Raman, I have been experementing with speech servers
Bart> recently. cepstral, eflite and also a version of outloud
Bart> running in a chroot to get around recent libc6
Bart> incompatibility with viavoice.
Bart> I also noticed the function in eflite-voices.el that is used
Bart> to switch to using the eflite server.
Bart> My question is this. Why do you require a tcl process to
Bart> launch the speech servers. Given that they are executable
Bart> scripts would it not be possible to simply launch them
Bart> directly rather than from tcl. If this was the case then it
Bart> would be possible to run eflite and other speech servers not
Bart> written in tcl without special setup.
Bart> Is there some reason that tcl is necessary that I am not
Bart> aware of?
Bart> My other question is does anyone know anything about
Bart> speechworks version of elequence for linux. It seems that
Bart> there is one well at least there is a gnome-speech driver
Bart> for such a beast. I haven't been able to find any real info
Bart> on the net about it though.
Bart> Perhaps if it exests then the libraries are more up to date
Bart> than the ibm viavoice ones.
Bart> Bart
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>> --
>> Best Regards, --raman
>> Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxx WWW: http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
>> AIM: TVRaman PGP:
>> http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc IRC:
>> irc://irc.gnu.org/emacspeak
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Best Regards,
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