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Emacspeak, gnus and bbdb.

next steps:
do the same steps with emacspeak-gnus.el from versions 16 17 and 18.

>>>>> "Sergei" == Sergei Fleytin <fleytin@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Sergei> Hello, all!  Some time ago i wrote about having problems
    Sergei> running gnus&bbdb with newer versions of emacspeak. I took
    Sergei> some time to compare the sources of emacspeak-gnus.el for
    Sergei> different versions of emacspeak. Though i see that code is
    Sergei> not similar, my knowledge did not allow me to understand
    Sergei> how it all works. So i decided to play a little with it. I
    Sergei> replaced emacspeak-gnus.el in 18th versions of emacspeak
    Sergei> with file from 15th version, commented out line requiring
    Sergei> "voice-lock", byte-compiled it and restarted emacs. And
    Sergei> everything worked just fine! The problem went away
    Sergei> compleately!

    Sergei> Hope that this information may be useful for further
    Sergei> development.

    Sergei> Sergei.

    Sergei> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Sergei> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
    Sergei> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
    Sergei> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
    Sergei> "unsubscribe" or "help"

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