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A Suggestion for Outreach

Hi All:  I am posting this individually to the Speakup-and-Blinux lists 
as well as people who are Linux screen-reader developers.
Several months ago as a linux newbe I began receiving monthly mailings 
While this is a marvelous place-and-resource for those of us who are new 
in Linux, I had a suggestion--and-wonder what you all think?  In looking 
around their site, so far I see no items involved with any 
screen-readers or speech.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we began an 
outreach in that community?  Since there are already links to download 
distributions, we could just include versions with speaku, Jupiter, 
Yasr, and emacs-speak.  Among their site is a link to suggest content, 
so before I did that, I thought I would bring up my suggestions here.
I could see areas for files-and-forums for individual projects as well 
as a master area similar to Blinux as a forum or sourceforge as a 
As far as who would moderate these forums or file areas, I would think 
fans of each project would be good candidates.
I think having a 1stop place to access all Linux screen-readers would be 
Lastly, here in LA February 12-13 there is a Linux expo.  While I don't 
know if I am the only one from this area, but would their be something 
to be gained in having a presence at the LA Convention Center?
Thanks so much in advance for listening--and your ideas

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