----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:47
Subject: emacspeak/eflite - ubuntu
Good Day -
I have just partially setup a ubuntu (debian)
system with emacspeak & eflite for my blind father - 84
I was using emacspeak 17 file with
now, I'm getting the speaker process not
running error message when i fire up emacspeak - to my knowledge nothing i
have done should have had any effect on the system... I made a modification to
the inittab to get autologins working (have also shut that off to check if
that was the problem)...
I also of course added emacspeak to the end of
the .bash_profile - want emacspeak to fireup without any user
input... (i've also pulled that out "just in case")
I've gone back into emacspeakconfig and made sure
that eflite is selected... all seems fine???
if anyone could point in a direction for finding
what i've managed to mess up