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Re: Software Speech (Re: ibm tts run-time engine purchasing alternatives)


I don't think there is any way around it. If you want high quality
TTS, you just have to pay for it. The software dectalk is quite good,
but it does crash a lot. However, I found that hitting C-e C-s is no
big deal and for the price, its fine. 

Its unlikely ViaVoice will ever bee available for free. So, if you
want a working Viavoice (and you cannot get the chrooted approach to
work), then you have no choice but to pay for it. 

The only other possible solution is to sit down a write a new TTS
enginne which has the quality your after and then you can make it
available for free. 


Gary Lawrence Murphy writes:
 > >>>>> "J" == John G Heim <jheim@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
 >     J> Depending on his level of desperation, you might try DECtalk.
 >     J> I've got version 4.6 and I'm satisfied with it. It could be
 >     J> better.
 > Thanks for the tip, but it's also a matter of cost.  While we're
 > pretty much resigned to no _free_ soft-synths, DECtalk units are twice
 > the price of the computer, way out of our price range, and while the
 > Soft-talk ($40?) is very inviting, there's no way to tell in advance
 > if it's going to have all the same problems as the free packages.
 > Like I said, ViaVoice is the devil we know :)
 > ... unless someone knows where we can get a second-hand DECTalk card
 > for about the same money ...
 > -- 
 > Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym at linux.ca>
 > "what I need is a job that doesn't interfere with my work"
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