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emacspeak - [Emacspeak] Emacspeak Archive updates

Subject: Emacspeak discussion list

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[Emacspeak] Emacspeak Archive updates

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Greg Priest-Dorman <gpriestdorman AT>
  • To: emacspeak AT
  • Subject: [Emacspeak] Emacspeak Archive updates
  • Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 19:12:04 -0700

Hi Folks,

In an attempt to make the list archive more useful (less painful) I have stripped out all header fields other than To, From, Date, Subject, and In Reply To. Needless to say I did this with a script so if you run across a message that my script missed, please write to me (off list) so I can fix it. While there I have also obfuscated all domain names in email addresses.  While this does make replying to someone based on an archived message more difficult, it also prevents addresses from being gleaned from the archive.  

Also, I have changed the date of each message file on the server to be the last day of the year the message was originally posted.  This should mean that as google indexes these pages, more recent results should be closer to the top of the returned results.  However, this will not happen until google re-indexes the pages. 

Google has started indexing our new site.  It is not done yet, but at this point our search page is starting to give useful results.  Using it will help. So if you have a few minutes, please try a search or two of the archive.  The search page it at https:;//


  • [Emacspeak] Emacspeak Archive updates, Greg Priest-Dorman, 07/04/2023

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