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emacspeak - Re: [Emacspeak] Packaging Emacspeak Best Practices?

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Re: [Emacspeak] Packaging Emacspeak Best Practices?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Robert Melton <lists AT>
  • To: Parham Doustdar <parham90 AT>
  • Cc: Victor Tsaran <vtsaran AT>, Tim Cross <theophilusx AT>, Emacspeaks <emacspeak AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Emacspeak] Packaging Emacspeak Best Practices?
  • Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2024 19:23:55 -0500


Great point. Forgot about mplayer because I tend to install it for other
reasons. Added to the list of things to add.

Right now I am trying to fix the fact that sox missing even when not
used breaks emacspeak when it hits a specific (error "...") line
recently added, but taking a break from it (by request) because I
am driving TV crazy.


I was completely convinced by Tim's argument, so I am going to be
creating basically a soft meta-package to do everything I said in my
reply to Tim but add mplayer to the list of requirements.

> On Feb 3, 2024, at 19:17, Parham Doustdar <parham90 AT> wrote:
> Hi,
> Before I forget, mplayer is also a requirement that often catches me
> off-guard when installing emacspeak on a new system. I'd love to submit a
> patch to fail smartly when mplayer doesn't exist, but until that
> functionality is in, it might be worth adding mplayer to the list.
> Great suggestion Tim re simplifying the package as much as possible! Love
> the actionable examples too!
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 4, 2024, at 00:59, Victor Tsaran <emacspeak AT> wrote:
>> Hey Robert.
>> I like the spirit of what you are trying to do though.
>> As I was using Emacspeak earlier today, I was thinking of how cool it
>> would be to create some sort of a wizard to get novices onboard with Emacs
>> and Emacspeak. Such a wizard could perhaps even create an init file for
>> the user if such does not exist.
>> I am hoping to find some time over the weekend and write up a quick guide
>> just for Mac users and perhaps Raman could include it as part of the
>> Emacspeak documentation.
>> I think once you know the system, things seem pretty easy. I can imagine
>> though how overwhelming this all may seem to someone who has never dealt
>> with non-GUI CLI stuff.
>> Anyway, curious what approach you decide to go with.
>> On Sat, Feb 3, 2024 at 2:28 PM Robert Melton <emacspeak AT>
>> wrote:
>> Tim--
>> Thanks so much. Amazing feedback, learned a lot and I feel like it helped
>> me dodge a lot of bad ideas.
>> The meta-package idea is really good, and I think I am going to follow
>> that
>> route. Since swiftmac has zero dependencies, and mac only has two, an
>> emacspeak-support package would only need to do a handful of simple
>> things:
>> 1. Ensure they have git
>> 2. Ensure swift compiler is setup for swiftmac
>> 3. Ensure python3 and sox are setup for mac
>> 4. Ensure a version of emacs is available that supports
>> mac-ignore-accessibility
>> 5. Git clone to a place in the brew tree
>> 6. make config, make, make swiftmac
>> 7. Output instructions
>> The only really fiddly bit is that if they want to avoid double-voice they
>> will need
>> to use the emacs installed, but I will put in instructions how to make it
>> the system
>> default if they want, else the path to it.
>> The other thing you brought up, the launch from dock, launch from shell
>> issue van
>> be fixed with brew and a package like emacs-plus which has an
>> version
>> included with it that just needs to be added to the Applications, but
>> again this will
>> have to be something the user opts into.
>> > On Feb 3, 2024, at 17:08, Tim Cross <theophilusx AT> wrote:
>> >
>> > If you decide to go ahead with a package, my advice would be to keep it
>> > as simple as possible. Don't try to satisfy everyone and don't try to
>> > make the package too clever. In fact, it might be worth thinking of it
>> > as more like a meta package. What it does is just ensure that all
>> > necessary dependencies are installed, checks out Emacspeak from git into
>> > some directory, builds it and then tells the user what to add to their
>> > init file. For example, ensures they have a hombrew version of emacs and
>> > sox installed, checkout git into an emacspeak directory, run config,
>> > make and provide some instructions for updating their init file
>> > (possibly including adding environment variables for DTK_PROGRAM and
>> > adding a load-path entgry).
>> --
>> Robert "robertmeta" Melton
>> lists AT
>> Emacspeak discussion list -- emacspeak AT
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>> emacspeak-request AT with a subject of: unsubscribe
>> --
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Robert "robertmeta" Melton
lists AT

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