OK, I've now got more information and I don't think it is due to the Debian package. thanks to a friend with a fast internet connection and a usb stick, I was able to grab current CVS versions of the emacs sources. I then put these sources on two machines, one running Debian unstable and one running Debian testing. I built emacs with the following commands (same on both machines) ./configure --with-type1 --with-x-toolkit=gtk --with-sound=yes \ --prefix=/usr/local and then a make bootstrap The results were quite interesting. The version built under Debian unstable shows the problem I was reporting i.e. view-file advice not working correctly and generating the error I mentioned if you also add a second bit of advice (in this case, my txutils.el file). As previously reported, doing a describe function view-file after loading emacspeak does NOT report that the function has been advised, but doing an apropos on view-file lists an entry for ad-Orig-view-file. In short, inconsistent and exactly the same problem seen with the deb package version. On the testing box, there was no problems with the version I built from sources or inconsistent reporting of advice. Doing a describe-function on view-file correctly reports that the function has been advised and there is the expected ad-Orig-view-file listed in the apropos of view-file. Also, adding my txutils.el package causes no problems and works as expected. So, there does seem to be a problem, but now the difficulty is in tracking it down. I thought a dump of the emacs-version info may help. Here is what I got >From CVS sources GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.10.12) of 2007-05-07 on tiger.rapttech.com.au Shows the inconsistent behavior with reporting of advised functions and loading of additional advice. This box is running debian unstable. GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.8.20) of 2007-05-07 on lion does NOT show the inconsistent behavior and adding additional advice does not cause a problem. This box is running debian testing. Debian package GNU Emacs (i386-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.6.4) of 2007-05-01 on pacem, modified by Debian Does show the problem. We have three different versions of GTK here. I thought at first that maybe this was the issue. However, you will observe that both the 2.6.4 and 2.10.12 versions of GTK are used on the two builds which have the problem, but a version between these (2.8.20 does not. While its possible a patch was applied and then removed for some reason, it does seem odd. I'm still unsure why the interface code would impact on the interpreter anyway. However, I have also confirmed that the traditional X tookit versions and versions built without X support do not suffer from the problem. GTK seems to be the common theme. I guess the next step is to look at what changes have occured between the versions which might explain the problem. It would be appreciated if anyone else running the GTK version of emacs would 1. If the advice on view-file is being reported when you do a describe-function (C-h f view-file <ret>). This info is reported at the end. 2. What version of GTK their emacs is built with (i.e. more than just gtk2.0 please!). 3. What version of emacspeak they are running. Tim -- Tim Cross tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx There are two types of people in IT - those who do not manage what they understand and those who do not understand what they manage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help"
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