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Readable LaTeX Package Documentation?

Zachary Kline writes:
 > Hi,
 >         In trying to use LaTeX with Emacspeak, I've had a little trouble finding package documentation for it.
 > In particular, I need to write a research paper in MLA format, which is apparently supported by a package.
 > Nevertheless, a lot of the packaging seems to have documentation in either Postscript of PDF.
 > I'm curious how other blind users learned LaTeX?  
 > Thanks for any advice,
 > Zack.

Hello Zac,

The command


converts pdf to text, usable by emacspeak.

I find the package


very useful: it is a series of macros which make writing latex easier,
and has good documentation in the emacs info files once the package is

Also in the info files, once latex is installed, which can be invoked by:

control-h i

is a section called

* LaTeX2e: (latex).			LaTeXe help 1.6.

which summarises latex commands.  There are also many, many latex
tutorials etc. on the web.

Best regards,


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