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Re: Readable LaTeX Package Documentation?

On Sat, Jan 19, 2008 at 11:28:07AM +0530, Kalyan Mukherjea wrote:
> Raman learnt TeX by listening to Knuth's `TeXbook': this does not mean
> that this is a recipe. It is more like a news item that somebody ran
> 42 Kilometres in 2 hours and 4 minutes or that the world  speed-reading
> champion read the last Harry Potter book in 47 minutes and 1 second!

No, it isn't. If you want to learn plain TeX (not LaTeX), or if you want a
deeper understanding of LaTeX derived from a grasp of the underlying TeX
language, then Knuth's TeXBook (available online in source form) is the best
place to start. I read parts of it many years ago and found it to be clear and
well written.

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