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Re: Readable LaTeX Package Documentation?

David Picón Álvarez writes:
 > Personally I learn from the documentation source, which is always written 
 > itself in LaTeX.

How do you get hold of the source files?
 It is perhaps not optimum, but it works. In principle it 
 > should be possible to extract the text from PDF, but this doesn't always 
 > work flawlessly.
To say the very least! Since most of the LaTeX work I do involves math
the difficulties are even greater Something like 
3 squared +4 squared = 5 squared rendered in LaTeX math mode,
converted to pdf  then via pdftotxt to text comes out reading:

In fact, I cannot see how a blind user can learn LaTeX including all
its packages. "The Joy of TeX" is an intro to AMSTeX --- which is
quite different from LaTeX.

Raman learnt TeX by listening to Knuth's `TeXbook': this does not mean
that this is a recipe. It is more like a news item that somebody ran
42 Kilometres in 2 hours and 4 minutes or that the world  speed-reading
champion read the last Harry Potter book in 47 minutes and 1 second!

So David, if you know of a resource where one can find the LaTeX
source of LaTeX package documentation  please let the list know.

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