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[patch] espeak server should not install .so file in /usr/share/emacs

sounds reasonable, but I'm having a hard time hasing down the
different patches. Please send me a tarball with the multiple
patches, and that for *all* the servers --- and I'll see if I can
come up with something that works

Best Regards,

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On 1/25/10, William Hubbs <w.d.hubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Raman,
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 03:17:08PM -0800, T.V. Raman wrote:
>> In this specific case of where the compiled tts libs for loading
>> into TCL  go when installed, I remain unconvinced; and also, note
>> that the patch that would be needed goes beyond the Makefile int
>> he various synth directories, one would have to update the tcl
>> scripts appropraitely to look for the .so library in the
>> installed location.
> I understand that, and the second patch I sent you did that.  Did you
> get that patch?  It updated the tcl script so that it first looked where
> it currently looks then it looked in /usr/lib/emacspeak only if that
> failed.  I'm attaching the second patch I sent again for reference.
>> For now, if you continue to believe that
>> doing is the right thing, then I suggest you apply this patch
>> downstream from the emacspeak svn repos, and let's revisit the
>> issue based on how things work out.
> If the second patch I sent you were applied, the only thing that I
> would suggest to be done differently is have a way to pass a path
> to the tcl script, so that "/usr/lib/emacspeak" is not hard coded as the
> second option, but there is some way to set it, preferably at build time.
> What do you think?
> William

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