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Re: a few questions was Re: emacspeak and w3

"Littlefield, Tyler" <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> 1) You mentioned getting w3 up and running. how hard was this for you?
> Any chance you'd be willing to share some of the problems you came
> across?

It is not terribly difficult, generally.  Have a look at the emacswiki
page for w3 and, after getting the source, have a look at the README or
INSTALL file.  After you have done this, if you still have problems come
back with them.

> 2) I have a couple issues currently. I use a lot of setq and set
> commands in my .emacs configuration file. Is there a list of variables
> that would pertain to emacspeak and help me customize things a bit
> more?

Every variable can be discovered via custom or in the customizations
section of the emacspeak info manual.

> 4) Any other ideas would be welcome. Any pointers for getting started,
> info on what else I can do with emacspeak. I know people use it for
> mail and the like, but I have no idea where to even begin in terms of
> getting that going.

I would start with the emacspeak info manual.  After that you might want
to have a look at the emacswiki.  There is a section there devoted to
mail which links to other sections pertaining to particular mail

> Also, one final question. I do not have sound, but I know emacspeak
> plays sounds. Is there an external program I need for that?

I *think* aplay is necessary for sounds but it is, I believe, installed
by default on most Linux systems.  

Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx

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