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Re: emacspeak and w3

this error has been around for a long time and shouldn't affect anything.

>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Bart> Raman, et al, Whilst we are discussing w3 I am seeing
    Bart> issues when doing a make on the w3 source. It appears
    Bart> to be related to emacspeak libraries not being found.
    Bart> Having said that w3 itself appears to work even with
    Bart> the error.
    Bart> Is this normal?
    Bart> I see this both under linux and on my mac.
    Bart> Here is the make error:
    Bart> bart@xxxxxxxxxxx:~/.emacs.d/src/w3$make cd lisp && make w3
    Bart> GNUSDIR=/usr/local/emacs/24.96/share/emacs/24.0.96/lisp/gnus/
    Bart> URLDIR=/usr/local/emacs/24.96/share/emacs/24.0.96/lisp/url/
    Bart> W3SRCDIR=. emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -l ./docomp.el
    Bart> -l
    Bart> /usr/local/emacs/24.96/share/emacs/24.0.96/lisp/url//url-vars.el
    Bart> -l ./w3-vars.el -f batch-byte-compile w3-display.el
    Bart> uncompressing url-vars.el.gz... uncompressing
    Bart> url-vars.el.gz...done Wrote w3-display.elc
    Bart> GNUSDIR=/usr/local/emacs/24.96/share/emacs/24.0.96/lisp/gnus/
    Bart> URLDIR=/usr/local/emacs/24.96/share/emacs/24.0.96/lisp/url/
    Bart> W3SRCDIR=. emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -l ./docomp.el
    Bart> -l
    Bart> /usr/local/emacs/24.96/share/emacs/24.0.96/lisp/url//url-vars.el
    Bart> -l ./w3-vars.el -f batch-byte-compile w3-speak.el
    Bart> uncompressing url-vars.el.gz... uncompressing
    Bart> url-vars.el.gz...done
    Bart> In toplevel form: w3-speak.el:49:1:Error: Cannot open
    Bart> load file: emacspeak-fix-interactive make[1]: ***
    Bart> [w3-speak.elc] Error 1 make: *** [w3] Error 2
    Bart> Cheers
    Bart> Bart
    Bart> "T.V. Raman" <tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    >> Tim, Per your suggestion, I have checked in
    >> emacspeak/tvr/tvr-w3.patch --- the patch was created from
    >> my local snapshot with git diff origin/master
    >> after making sure that git pull -a claimed my local
    >> snapshot was uptodate.
    >> Glancing at the patch -- I dont see anything significant
    >> that should make w3 work here and not from the git repo.
    >> The git repo I am refering to is: git config
    >> remote.origin.url git://git.sv.gnu.org/w3.git
    >> -- 
    >> -- 
    >> On 5/7/12, Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    >>> Hi Raman,
    >>> I've been attempting to get w3 working and while I've
    >>> finally got it going, it was not trivial.
    >>> I think part of the problem is that there has been no
    >>> updates to the w3 repository since May 2008. I know there
    >>> has been a couple of patches from you and others to fix
    >>> various bugs, but hunting them down and applying them is
    >>> not easy. On this basis, I wanted to make a suggestion.
    >>> Would it be possible for you to do a diff against the
    >>> current w3 repository code and the version of w3 you are
    >>> running and put the diffs in a w3-patches directory
    >>> within the emacspeak distribution. This would make it
    >>> esier to anyone wanting to run w3 to apply the same
    >>> patches you have been using. In addition to making it
    >>> easier for users, it may help in tracking down problems
    >>> as we will have a common base everyone is working from.
    >>> regards,
    >>> Tim
    >>> --
    >>> Tim Cross
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