Hi all,I'm trying to get emacspeak working with ubuntu 11.04 espeak and pulseaudio. I've built from the latest source releases of emacspeak and espeak. Emacspeak almost works apart from a key echo latency problem which unfortunately makes it unusable.
Whenever I type into a buffer there is always a 5 second delay in the character echo after every third or forth character. This happens if I type faster than about 1 character per second. If I turn character echo off sometimes word echo is delayed too. Even with character echo off I'm unable to cursor around buffers as the latency also affects the speech output of the next line if I cursor too fast, resulting in a stuttering effect. The same thing happens e.g., when i-searching.
I've tested the emacspeak espeak tcl server with character echo command and it seems to work fine, but I'm unable to enter commands fast enough to replicate the emacspeak latency...so I'm not sure about this.
Orca, espeak and pulseaudio all seem to work fine outside of emacspeak with no obvious latency problems.
I see from last year's mail list archives that a few people have had this problem before, but I saw no indication of a resolution. Has anyone had any success since then?
I'd appreciate any and all help with this as emacspeak look compelling and I'd love to get it working in my environment.
Thanks for any help you can give. Les ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on the emacspeak list send mail to "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of "unsubscribe" or "help".
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