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Re: Emacspeak with eSpeak losing speech on Vinux 4

Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> While I seem to be the exception, I find pulseaudio to be really good.
> I've not observed the latency issues reported by others and really
> like the simplicity of being able to set different volume levels for
> different devices. 

per-application volume control is one of its unique features.

According to what I've read on LWN and elsewhere, most of the problems that
people have experienced are attributable to issues in audio drivers that
PulseAudio exposes, rather than to problems with PulseAudio itself.

The simplification of real-time scheduling priority should help too.

This is a sufficiently common configuration that I think it ought to be made
to work, and I'll play my part with bug reports.

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