Greetings, I have been having trouble to install emacspeak-52. on ubuntu-20.04. I was able to download the emacspeak-sudoku.el file from source and thus bypass the initial make error. The issue comes when trying to build the speech engine. I moved to the native-espeak directory and typed make at the terminal. The output I received was the following: g++ -g -O2 -fPIC -DPIC -pedantic -ansi -Wall -Wno-long-long -I/usr/include/tcl8.6 -c -o tclespeak.o tclespeak.cpp tclespeak.cpp:41:10: fatal error: espeak-ng/speak_lib.h: No such file or directory #include <espeak-ng/speak_lib.h> compilation terminated. make: *** [<builtin>: tclespeak.o] Error 1 I googled the issue, and others had recommended installing libespeak-dev for the missing file, but that has not helped. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Hwaen Ch'uqi
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