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Re: [Emacspeak] Incomplete icon set in realease 60

On Sun, 12 May 2024, Tim Cross wrote:
You are looking in the wrong directory, or more precisely, you are only
looking in one of the two directories used to source sound icons.

There are two supplied icon themes, chimes and 3d. These themes are in


Hi Tim, read my last message:

npi$ ls emacspeak-60.0/sounds/
npi$ ls emacspeak-60.0/sounds/prompts/
battery-low.ogg      emacspeak.ogg        pwd.ogg              success.ogg
chime-start.ogg      launch-wm.ogg        resume.ogg           tvr-emacs.ogg
desktop-login.ogg    locking-up.ogg       service-login.ogg    unlocked.ogg
desktop-logout.ogg   pa-remove-samples.sh service-logout.ogg   waking-up.ogg
dialog-question.ogg  pa-upload-samples.sh startup.ogg

I can't be more precise. The 60th realease's tarball is incomplete.


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