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Re: [Emacspeak] Incomplete icon set in realease 60

It seems that no one wants to download and check the tar ball for
him/her self, and just say to me that there is something that there
is not there, so just look at the size of the release tarball:

emacspeak-60.0.tar.bz2 2.92 MB
emacspeak-59.0.tar.bz2 7.61 MB

See the difference?

I could add those files, but I thought that you would like
to fix that. Also, I can't trust the content of that tar ball,
other things can be missing.

I made clear in the subject and in the content of the message that
this is about the last release, not the github master branch.

I posted a log of downloading, the sha512 cheksum so you can be sure
that that my local copy is not corrupted, the output of ls in sounds
and in the only directory there, prompts.

Don't fix it if you don't want to, but please, don't tell me any
more that those directories and files are there.


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