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Re: [Emacspeak] Emacspeak is no longer announcing company suggestions

P.S. behavior in emacs 29 may be different but because of emacs 30
changes re completion you need to press arrow keys to move through the

Robert Melton writes:
 > I actually noticed this semi-recently (prior to 60) when using the 
 > git version. By happenstance I had just updated to Emacs 30, so I 
 > chalked it up to Emacs 30 and being on the cutting edge of both. 
 > Was on my TODO list to investigate. 
 > I just turned on logging and I am not seeing anything emitted or 
 > received on either the Notify or Speaker streams. Checked from 
 > both log-swiftmac output and the swiftmac debug build logging.
 > At a cursory glance it just seems like nothing is being emitted. 
 > My config details below. 
 > ---
 > Emacs  : GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin23.4.0, NS appkit-2487.50 Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224))
 >  of 2024-05-03
 > Package: Emacspeak: 60.0,   DreamDog 386775c
 > current state:
 > ==============
 > (setq
 >  window-system 'ns
 >  emacs-version "30.0.50"
 >  system-type 'darwin
 >  emacspeak-version #("60.0,   DreamDog 386775c" 8 16 (face bold) 17 24 (personality acss-s4-r6))
 >  dtk-program "log-swiftmac"
 >  dtk-speech-rate 0.85
 >  dtk-character-scale 1.1
 >  dtk-split-caps t
 >  dtk-punctuation-mode 'all
 >  emacspeak-word-echo t
 >  emacspeak-character-echo t
 >  )
 > > On May 13, 2024, at 14:42, T.V Raman (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 > > 
 > > company suggestions are spoken on the notification stream, make sure
 > > your TTS engine supports that. I cant tell because you didn't say what
 > > you are using.
 > > 
 > > -- 
 > > Emacspeak discussion list -- emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 > > To unsubscribe send email to:
 > > emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with a subject of: unsubscribe
 > --
 > Robert "robertmeta" Melton
 > lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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