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Re: [Emacspeak] Emacspeak is no longer announcing company suggestions

Works great now.

> On May 13, 2024, at 16:18, T.V Raman <raman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> P.S. behavior in emacs 29 may be different but because of emacs 30
> changes re completion you need to press arrow keys to move through the
> completions.
> Robert Melton writes:
>> I actually noticed this semi-recently (prior to 60) when using the 
>> git version. By happenstance I had just updated to Emacs 30, so I 
>> chalked it up to Emacs 30 and being on the cutting edge of both. 
>> Was on my TODO list to investigate. 
>> I just turned on logging and I am not seeing anything emitted or 
>> received on either the Notify or Speaker streams. Checked from 
>> both log-swiftmac output and the swiftmac debug build logging.
>> At a cursory glance it just seems like nothing is being emitted. 
>> My config details below. 
>> ---
>> Emacs  : GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin23.4.0, NS appkit-2487.50 Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224))
>> of 2024-05-03
>> Package: Emacspeak: 60.0,   DreamDog 386775c
>> current state:
>> ==============
>> (setq
>> window-system 'ns
>> emacs-version "30.0.50"
>> system-type 'darwin
>> emacspeak-version #("60.0,   DreamDog 386775c" 8 16 (face bold) 17 24 (personality acss-s4-r6))
>> dtk-program "log-swiftmac"
>> dtk-speech-rate 0.85
>> dtk-character-scale 1.1
>> dtk-split-caps t
>> dtk-punctuation-mode 'all
>> emacspeak-word-echo t
>> emacspeak-character-echo t
>> )
>>> On May 13, 2024, at 14:42, T.V Raman (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> company suggestions are spoken on the notification stream, make sure
>>> your TTS engine supports that. I cant tell because you didn't say what
>>> you are using.
>>> -- 
>>> Emacspeak discussion list -- emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> To unsubscribe send email to:
>>> emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with a subject of: unsubscribe
>> --
>> Robert "robertmeta" Melton
>> lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> --

Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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