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Re: [Emacspeak] Emacspeak 60 on new MAc messages not being spoken


Well, as he is having the issue in both swiftmac and mac servers and he says
he isn't seeing it in the log output (which is pre-swiftmac done by tee), I 
suspect some sort of config issue from his old config. I am guessing with 
runq we get success!

Oh silencing duplications, thank goodness.  Sometimes when I am mucking about 
with elisp, I see a message like "foo [4512 times]". 

/me quietly goes back to endlessly customizing org-mode... this thing is 
dangerous, need to pull up soon and get back to some swiftmac features. 

> On Jun 11, 2024, at 14:24, T.V Raman (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1. Run the swiftmac server stand-alone and see if output to the
>   notification stream speaks; I suspect not in your case.
>   2. Rob: Advice on message and related functions rate-limits icons and
>      functions; it also silences duplicate messages --see code at https://github.com/tvraman/emacspeak/blob/master/lisp/emacspeak-advice.el#start-of-content
>   3. For rate limiting and also getting echo-keystrokes feedback, see
>      the comments in the code and the related emacs docs.
> -- 
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Robert "robertmeta" Melton

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