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Re: libtcl.so.0?
after doing what Jason suggests (i.e. editing /etc/ld.conf and before
running the test you need to run ldconfig
>>>>> "Jason" == Jason White <jasonw@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Jason> Stephen Clower writes:
>> Good day folks, I get an error saying that libtcl.so.0 can't be
>> found.
Jason> By default, the libraries are installed under
Jason> /usr/local/lib, but the operating system isn't searching
Jason> that directory.
Jason> There are two alternative solutions:
Jason> 1. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib before running
Jason> software Dectalk.
Jason> 2. The better solution: edit /etc/ld.so.conf and add the
Jason> following line: /usr/local/lib
Jason> which again will cause /usr/local/lib to be searched for
Jason> shared libraries.
Jason> To test it, run the say program supplied with Software
Jason> Dectalk, then retry Emacspeak.
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