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Re: DECtalk 5.0
I'll test and integrate the first change which looks benign, but I
wont change the clean proc in dtk-soft --- instead the strings that
produce noise should be reported to the fonix folks for fixing.
I hardly use the software dectalk so I'll leave it to folks who use it
more to debug this.>>>>> "gcasse" == gcasse <gcasse@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
gcasse> Sorry, to forget the changes; there are included at the
gcasse> end of this post. Just to notice that the unexpected
gcasse> silences inside sentences happen if the character echo is
gcasse> enabled.
gcasse> I tried to buy DECtalk 5.0 a few days ago, but received
gcasse> 4.61. The Fonix website is updated now. However, the
gcasse> persons who recently received 4.61 could be interested to
gcasse> ask for 5.0.
gcasse> Gilles
gcasse> 1. In tcldtk.c, function Tcldtk_Init
gcasse> The following lines have been removed, at the beginning of
gcasse> the function:
gcasse> unsigned int devNo = 0; DWORD devOptions = 0; devOptions
gcasse> |= WAVE_OPEN_SHAREABLE; devOptions |=WAVE_FORMAT_1S16;
gcasse> and replaced by these lines:
gcasse> unsigned int devNo = WAVE_MAPPER; DWORD devOptions =
gcasse> 2. In dtk-soft, proc clean
gcasse> This function is returned as soon as possible: around line
gcasse> 245:
gcasse> return $element
gcasse> -- Oralux http://oralux.org
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