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The F-10 key

Hello all,
I have been using Emacspeak (17.0) for about a year and always wondered
why I could not find in the info or html files in the user-guide
directory any mention of how to find out what the menubar is like. The
menubar changes depending on the type of buffer and I wondered how Raman
and other blind users found out all the connands available from  the
menu. The trouble was that I knew that it existed, I had some months ago
accidentally done something and Emacspeak started to read out the items
on the menubar. Because I am bervous about unexpected occurrences I
pressed C-g and could never find the particular keystroke again.

A few days ago I learnt from Gilles Casse that it is the F-10 key. 
Since then I have found Emacspeak a lot more friendly. I even discovered
new commands in the nath item which comes up  when I use AucTeX  to type
LaTeX documents.

My suggestion is that in the info document, even before explaining how
to open files etc. the use of F-10 be explained.


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