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Re: Getting close (Re: Accent SA in Emacspeak-22)

It's something IBM Screenreader provided originally and that was
what I used before I wrote Emacspeak --- it replaced 3 or more
occurrences of the same character with "awe N char" instead of
saying "char char char char".

The emacspeak implementation of the repeating pattern is a little
more sophisticated in that it can take regular expressions ---
see the code.

>>>>> "Gary" == Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Gary> I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but I have to
    Gary> ask:
    Gary>    What is the expression "awe 3 dot" intending to
    Gary> mean?
    Gary> on the Accent driver, the awe and the three get rammed
    Gary> together so it sounds more like "R 3" said quickly and
    Gary> then punctuated by dot.
    Gary> -- Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@xxxxxxxxxxx>: office
    Gary> voice/fax: 01 519 4222723 Business Advantage through
    Gary> Community Software - http://teledyn.com "what I need is
    Gary> a job that doesn't interfere with my work" -gary murphy
    Gary> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Gary> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
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Best Regards,

Email:  raman@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
AIM:    emacspeak
PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc

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