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emacspeak and w3

>From an Emacspeak perspective, W3 will always trump W3M  in terms
of features --- w3m in emacs is nice, but the integration leaves
a lot to be desired -- in that emacs/w3 only gets its hands on
the content after w3m itself has done the bulk of the rendering.

In the best of all worlds, the parsing and dom construction would
happen in the native layer --- and the rendering happen in the
lisp layer.  Module shr is a beginning to that end --- in that it
uses libxml to do the parsing --

On 5/9/12, Robert D. Crawford <robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> "Tim Cross" <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> The really nice thing is that since machines have gotten so much faster in
>> the
>> past few years, the slower rendering time of w3 compared to w3m is pretty
>> much
>> unnoticeable except on really large html files.
> I've not used w3m in such a long time.  I've preferred w3 since I first
> used it.  Glad to hear I'm not really missing out on speed.
>> thanks again, you have made my day!
> You are quite welcome.  Glad to have been of assistance.
> rdc
> --
> Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw@xxxxxxxxxxx
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