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Re: Loading various speech servers in Emacspeak

Victor -

Raman only provides for a few of the servers.  
You can add others - the list is in dtk-speak.el.
A more user-friendly method would be nice.

	   - Jim Van Zandt

>Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 13:14:15 -0500 (EST)
>Resent-from: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
>From: Victor Tsaran <vtsaran@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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>Hello, T.V. Raman and listers!
>Today I noticed one very funny thing that hapens with Emacspeak. WHen
>I press ctrl-e d d to load a new speech servers, not all available
>servers are listed. For instance, if I issue "doubletalk", Emacspeak
>just beeps at me. If I press space bar to hear all the available
>options, all I get just few synthesizers among which is Mbrolla,
>Outloud and two DTK, dtk-exp and dtk-mv. Why doesn't Emacspeak see
>other synthesizers? Perhaps it would be a nice idea to put all the
>speech servers into a separate directory. This way Emacspeak would be
>better able to control what servers are available.
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