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emacspeak - Re: [Emacspeak] Confused by the speech output I get from Emacs / Emacspeak when using shell

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Re: [Emacspeak] Confused by the speech output I get from Emacs / Emacspeak when using shell

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Victor Tsaran <vtsaran AT>
  • To: "T.V Raman" <raman AT>
  • Cc: emacspeak AT
  • Subject: Re: [Emacspeak] Confused by the speech output I get from Emacs / Emacspeak when using shell
  • Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 22:15:39 -0800

Sorry for the silence and thanks for the answers.
I don't think my prompt has any characters that would trigger the behavior. Something must have changed with the latest version of Emacs for Mac OS since the pattern  is very recent. For now I just turned on ANSI escape char parsing and, at least, I am not getting them read out by Emacspeak.
That same Terminal program, Ollama in this case, worked just a month or two ago, but now it is simply refusing to accept any input inside the Emacs shell. Works just fine outside of Emacs. Basically, the program starts and displays its prompt. However, as I type my input, it is being echoed back to me but nothing comes back from Ollama.
I would be OK using eshell or Terminal but then I do not get all the buffer conveniences that come when using plain Emacs shell. It could be that my understanding of those modes is far from complete though. :)

Thank you!

On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 10:53 AM T.V Raman <raman AT> wrote:

1. Rob is likely right re special  chars in your prompt.

   2. Emacs shell mode has *never* worked  with "terminal apps" AKA
      full-screen console apps -- Victor, if I didn't know that you
      were an not an LLM, I'd say you were "hallucinating":-) However
      since I know that you are not (at least not yet an LLM), here is
      a bit more terminology:

      A. full-screen apps, ie those that use terminal addressing,
         include vi, emacs lynx etc; none of which will work in shell

         B. Most shell-level command-line utils dont need
            cursor-addressing and *will* work in shell mode.

            C. To handle special chars such as highlighting, you need
               ansi-color-mode in shell buffers, emacspeak does this
               in emacspeak-comint.el

to enable

"Victor Tsaran" (via emacspeak Mailing List) writes:
 > Hello.
 > I am on Mac OS running Emacspeak 58.0 with Emacs 29.x.
 > A week or so ago, after doing who knows what to my machine, I started getting what sounds like escape sequences in the speech output produced by Emacspeak when using shell, (m-x shell). Prior to the incident, whatever it was, I was able to run terminal applications inside the shell, send input and get output with no problems. However, now I am hearing left-bracketed utterances and only the last character of the shell prompt, e.g. “%” after issuing a command. What’s worse though is that I am not able to successfully send any input to a terminal application. The input gets echoed but is not parsed by the running terminal application.
 > I reinstalled Emacs and Emacspeak but to no avail. I reduced my init file to a bare minimum so that only Emacspeak loads.
 > I tried changing encoding input/output parsing via c-x ret, then “c”, “t” or “p. Still no luck.
 > I doubt the issue is with Emacspeak, but not sure where else to look and what I have changed to cause the behavior.
 > Any ideas by any chance?
 > Thanks so much!
 > Victor
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