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Re: update on speech server issue
- To: Christopher Strong <strong@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: update on speech server issue
- From: Tim Cross <tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 18:46:58 +1000
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I'm pretty convinced the problem is specific to Suse - its unlikely to
be the same problem as with the Apollo mentioned in other posts. I'm
running both a dectalk express and the software dectalk on two
different Debian Sid distributions with no problems on any version of
Given the nature of your problem, I syspect its to do with the
interaction between emacs and the Tcl sub-process which for some
reason is exiting after startup.
An obvious thing to try - so obvious I didn't think of it until now,
is to just type C-e C-s (Control e followed by control s) after
starting emacspeak and when you see the "Process speaker not running"
error. This should restart the system.
It might be worth verifying what is in your .bash startup scripts as
well - there are some switches which can made things a bit harder to
debug - like -e, which some distros seem to use as a default. Can you
post (if Suse has them)
- /etc/profile
- /etc/bashrc
- ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile
- ~/.bashrc
Finally, just for clarification - sorry if this sounds stupid, but can
you confirm you are running the hardware dectalk express. I know this
seems like a silly question as it seems pretty obvious you are from
what yo hav said and the fact you are setting the port etc, but I
actually had someone I was trying to help who insisted they had a
dectalk express when in fact they had the software dectalk from
Christopher Strong writes:
> > Does this problem only occur with the Accent synthesizer? If so, then my
> Well, in my case the problem occurs when using DECtalk express, and my
> environment variables are set to:
> DTK_PORT=/dev/ttyS0
> DTK_PROGRAM=dtk-exp
> EMACSPEAK_DIR="/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak"
> -Chris
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